The Story of America’s First Christmas Tree

Christmas trees now sparkle in millions of homes, but did you ever wonder how the tradition began? No doubt there are many stories regarding the start of this custom. So, as we do each year, here’s one we’d like to pass along. At first, celebrating Christmas in America — with or without a tree — […]
How Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac Were Taken Over By The Government

In the summer of 2008 the federal government said at the height of the mortgage crisis that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had unfledged assets of $1.5 trillion. On September 7, 2008 the government announced that it was seizing control of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. A Few Weeks Later On September 7, […]
9/11 Terrorist Attacks Meant To Destroy US National Values

We all remember such days. We remember where we were when we first heard of the deaths of John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King. We remember when we heard of the Oklahoma City bombing and those who are older surely remember Pearl Harbor. And now, until the end of our lives, we […]
Virgins, Foreclosures & Auctions

We usually associate real estate auctions with foreclosures and other unhappy events, but Pam McKissick argues that auctions should have a wider role in today’s residential market. McKissick, a founder of Williams, Williams & McKissick, one of the nation’s largest auction firms, says “auction bridges the gap between buyers’ desires and sellers’ expectations. Auction is where real […]
Universal Healthcare: Does America Need A Second Bill of Rights?
When it comes to universal healthcare not too many people against it want to talk about Kyle Willis. Mr. Willis, age 24, died from a tooth infection. Why? According to WLWT-TV in Cincinnati, the unemployed and uninsured father and aspiring paralegal could afford either pain medication or antibiotics — but not both. His face swollen, […]
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