
As a condition of using the OurBroker Web site, users agree to the following rules, terms, and understandings.
- The term “OurBroker” is a registered trademark and the property of Peter G. Miller. All other trademarks, service marks, and registrations on this site are the property of their respective owners.
- Be aware that the term “REALTOR®” signifies membership in the National Association of Realtors, a nationwide professional organization. The term “Realtor” is a registered collective membership mark which may be used only by members of the National Association of Realtors (430 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611).
- This material is not in the public domain. Neither this material, nor any part of this material, may be reproduced, sold, re-sold, posted, framed, traded, incorporated within other material, or given away without the express written permission of the author. Links to the home page and individual posts, without frames, are welcome.
- Photos of houses used on this site have been taken from public streets and are used simply for decorative purposes. The photos illustrate views in the public domain which any individual can readily see and record. The use of a particular photo does not imply or infer an endorsement of this site by the property owner or agreement or disagreement by the property owner with any content found on this site, with our advertising or with posted comments. Photos have been enhanced for use on this site. NO FUSS REMOVAL POLICY: As a matter of courtesy we will immediately remove any photo at the request of the property owner. Please contact us by email and just provide the URL for the page where the photo appears. That’s it. Your request will be honored. The photo will be removed, no questions asked.
- Graphics used on this site and not originated by the author or otherwise credited are covered by one or more of the following public domain categories:
- PD-US — published before 1923 and public domain in the US.
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- PD-EdictGov — edicts of government put into public domain in US.
- For specifics see the Wikimedia public domain code page.
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- Material in this collection reflects the views of OurBroker only, and not any other individuals, organizations, or Website hosts.
- Material posted on this site was believed accurate as of the time of publication, however with time it is possible that data, information and context may evolve and that posted material may no longer be as accurate as it was at the time of publication, or accurate at all.
- Reproduction of materials included in this collection, in whole or in part, or using the trademarked term “OurBroker” without the express written permission of Mr. Miller, are strictly forbidden.
- Equal Housing Opportunity. This site strongly supports efforts to make property, financing, and realty services available to all. Users should be aware that the federal Fair Housing Act makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.” In addition, discrimination resulting from other factors may be banned by state and local law.
- Peter G. Miller is NOT responsible for the content of any site linked to Individuals cruise the WEB and related services at their own risk. Site contents reflect the views and opinions of individual site developers and are not necessarily the views and opinions of OurBroker.
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- The privacy policies should be regarded as part of the notices and disclaimers associated with this site.
- Note that in a manner similar to bookstore and library collections, online material may originate from other countries, that given sites may contain material objectionable to individuals, and that parental control and oversight are strongly advised when minors access online locations and services. Individuals should also be aware that electronic viruses and other hazards may exist on the Internet and related services.
- As always with real estate, if you see something you wish to consider for purchase, sale, renting, financing, or refinancing, be certain to protect your interests: Do NOT sign anything without professional assistance from a broker, attorney, home inspector, tax authority, or other professional as appropriate.
- Peter G. Miller is a licensed real estate broker in the state of Maryland.
- If we receive e-mail from you, such e-mail becomes our property upon receipt and we reserve the right to retain your e-mail address for use as we wish. That said, in general we will respond to e-mail when and if appropriate or, in some cases, forward such mail to someone better able to provide information and assistance. While I am a licensed real estate broker, I do not seek or accept referral fees from other brokers for the mere act of forwarding e-mail.
- Peter G. Miller, AKA “OurBroker,” has attempted to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. Such postings are made with the understanding that OurBroker is NOT engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.
- OurBroker reserves the right to change these rules at any time and without notice by posting here.