Books by Peter G. Miller (OurBroker)

In response to many inquires, here is information regarding books by Peter G. Miller. More than 300,000 Miller books are in print.
1- The Common-Sense Mortgage: How to Cut the Cost of Home Ownership by $50,000 or More
First published by Harper & Row in 1985, this book was widely considered the standard guide to real estate financing for buyers, sellers, brokers, and investors.
“You won’t find a better ‘how to get a mortgage’ book that this one,” said syndicated columnist ROBERT BRUSS. “The book is easy reading, liberally spiced with practical advice from a real estate expert. On my scale of one to 10, this outstanding book rates a 12.”
“His coverage of the mortgage market is so complete as to make this a compact layperson’s handbook,” THE LIBRARY JOURNAL.
“…this money-saving mortgage book keeps getting more complete than ever.” CHICAGO TRIBUNE.
“Virtually in a class by itself,” THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER.
“One of the best available guidebooks to the realty financing jungle.” THE LOS ANGELES TIMES.
2 – Successful Real Estate Investing: A Practical Guide to Profits for the Small Investor
The latest edition has been updated and expanded for the 1990s. This book will not tell you how to make millions overnight, but it will provide some very useful information, guidelines, and concepts that have been used by savvy realty investors.
“Peter G. Miller…injects new realism into real estate investment guides — a field dominated in the past by overhyped, quick kill strategists,” THE BALTIMORE SUN.
“One of the best of a new breed of investment guides…those who follow this new type of straightforward advice are likely to be more satisfied — and probably richer — in the end.” PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER.
“This all-inclusive book is an excellent source book for realty investors who want assurance they are doing the right thing by investing today. It shows how to earn realistic profits, not those promised by the late-night television gurus. On my scale of one to 10, it rates a solid 10.” ROBERT BRUSS, nationally-syndicated columnist
“A solid, up-to-date treatment…written in an engaging and personalized style…you will definitely want to add this to your own professional library and recommend it to your clients and customers.” THE REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL.
“An excellent general treatment of real estate investing.” LIBRARY JOURNAL
Recognized as one of the “best personal finance books in 1988” by MONEY magazine.
3 – The Common-Sense Guide to Successful Real Estate Negotiation: How Buyers, Sellers and Brokers Can Get Their Share–And More–At the Bargaining Table
Written with attorney Douglas M. Bregman, this book is the essential guide to getting deals down on paper — in a way that is to your benefit.
“There should be a law requiring every real estate agent, buyer, and seller to read this outstanding new book. Miller and Bregman have created a unique work designed to make home buyers and sellers into intelligent negotiators,” SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER.
“The title could very well disturb those sales agents and brokers who expect clients not to bargain and just fill in the blanks on the standard sales contract where the good sales agent tells them to. What Miller and Bregman have attempted to do in their book is to translate the bargaining process into plain, understandable English so both buyer and seller have a fair shot at a good deal.” W. James Van Vliet, CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER.
“Authors Miller and Bregman take the mystery out of a process that can often be baffling to the uninitiated, and provide a mine of information on how the real estate market process works.” Moira O’Connor, BOSTON GLOBE
“Miller and Bregman provide a foundation for readers to understand specific issues in real estate bargaining. This practical guidebook can be used effectively by buyer, seller, and broker. Highly recommended.” LIBRARY JOURNAL
4 – Buy Your First Home Now
As seen on Oprah, this book has had more than a dozen paperback printings after strong hardback sales.
“Eminently sensible and exactly the sort of book to read first,” DENVER POST.
“Peter G. Miller’s new book, aimed primarily at first-time buyers but worthwhile for all home buyers and their real estate agents, is outstanding,” CHICAGO TRIBUNE.
“A straightforward, plainly written explanation of what’s involved in buying a house.” Scripps Howard
“In an era in which real estate prices have increased much more rapidly than most people’s earnings, Miller’s advice to prospective first-time homeowners is welcome…. Anyone seeking a first home would be well served by this lucidly written guide.” LIBRARY JOURNAL.
5 – How to Sell Your Home in Any Market — With or Without a Broker
A look at selling strategies whether markets are moving up, down or not at all.
A selection of the FORTUNE book club.
“A great addition to the growing number of books on real estate and home selling. Recommended for general collections.” LIBRARY JOURNAL
“The book lives up to its title. On my scale of one to 10, this book rates a solid 10.” ROBERT BRUSS, syndicated columnist.
6 – Inside The Real Estate Deal
“Homeowners who wonder what makes real estate agencies tick will find many of the answers in this book, written by a Washington broker and consultant. Miller describes the inner workings of agencies and speculates on how the business will evolve in the future.” CHICAGO TRIBUNE
“This unusual book looks inside the real estate industry and exposes the dirty linen. More important, explains how real estate brokers can survive and prosper in the current economy as well as adapting to the future-world which is sure to change the focus of property sales. This is a well-researched book which real estate brokers should study if they want to adapt to changing sales conditions. ROBERT BRUSS, THE ATLANTA JOURNAL AND CONSTITUTION, syndicated nationwide. (From a list of the 10 best real estate books for 1991)
“It would be difficult to conceive of a subject of interest to a working real estate professional that is not touched in this Peter Miller book. It will be valuable as both a basic reference and as a guide to prepare for the challenges of the 1990s.” THE REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL.
“Homeowners who wonder what makes real estate agencies click will find many of the answers in this book, written by a Washington broker and consultant. Miller describes the inner workings of agencies and speculates on how the business will evolve in the future.
“Miller writes well, and readers of this book will emerge with a much better understanding of the men and women they deal with in real estate transactions. The book also has much to offer for brokers, agents and those who are considering entering the field.” GENE AUSTIN of THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER and syndicated nationwide
7 – Media Marketing: How to Get Your Name & Story in Print & on the Air
“Builds a better mousetrap and people will beat a path to your door, right? Only in your dreams. You’ve got to promote a product. A master at promotion, Peter Miller shares his secrets in this outstanding book.” DR. KENNETH EDWARDS, author of You’re Successful Real Estate Career.
“Media marketing gets you noticed – no matter how small your company or little-known your product. Peter Miller coined the term and knows wherefrom he speaks. (After all, he’s been on ‘Oprah’!) Read Media Power. Follow his advice. And, become a somebody!” FRAZIER SEITEL, Senior Vice President, Director of Public Affairs, The Chase Manhattan Bank
“You don’t have a shot at winning media coverage for your business unless you can figure out what the media wants. Media Power takes you inside television and radio shows as well as newspapers and magazines. Peter Miller will help you formulate package stories that the media’s interest.” BERNADETTE GREY, Editor, Home Office Computing magazine.
“Media Power is a terrific tool for business people seeking success with the media and a greater understanding of the newsgathering process. It will also provide valuable insights for publicists seeking solid information on what works and what doesn’t.” JEFF LUBAR, Vice President, Public Affairs, National Association of Realtors.
A Media Marketing excerpt was featured in the PUBLIC RELATIONS QUARTERLY, Summer 1989. The editors wrote that “Basic Principals and Protocols of Media Marketing by Peter Miller, is, on the face of it, a primer in media relations. But the author adds the mild imperative of civility and common sense to the PR practitioner’s efforts. Mr. Miller is a Washington, D. C. writer, having been a Washington Post weekly columnist, radio broadcaster, accredited Capitol Hill correspondent, and a member of the White House Correspondents Association.”